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Stakeholder Relations

Conferences + Events

Monitor this space for upcoming conferences and events along with reports from conferences attended by Tourism Trinidad. We are dedicated to being transparent and timely in reporting on activities.


Interested in becoming a stakeholder?
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions to help you along.

To register as an official tourism stakeholder, applications must follow the steps that are stated on the stakeholder registration form available via the Stakeholder Relations section of our corporate website. Upon submitting the necessary credentials, an automated registration notification will be sent to the applicant.

Stakeholders are encouraged to contact Mr. Kheegon Daly, Stakeholder Relations Officer via any of the following means:

Tourism stakeholders have a range of resources available via Tourism Trinidad’s offerings. Their resources include:

  • the provision of data,
  • strategic training and capacity building workshops,
  • marketing and promotion,
  • destination paraphernalia,
  • news and tourism trends
  • incentive programs for specific niche markets i.e., investment and accommodation-based offerings such as the Tourism Accommodation Upgrade Project, tax benefits, Customs and Excise duty exemptions and other tax benefits that are available under the Tourism Development Act (Chapter 87:22). To read more about the Act, please visit the following link

Tourism Trinidad strongly urges our stakeholders to become active members of tourism associations within our country’s tourism sector. Stakeholders seeking assistance with connecting with the relevant association heads can reach out to us via our stakeholder relations desk for the respective contact information. Associations provide a unique opportunity to network, streamline offerings, and improve overall service standards across the industry.



Stakeholder Newsletter July 2024

Stakeholder Newsletter April 2024

Stakeholder Newsletter February 2024

Stakeholder Newsletter December 2023

Stakeholder Newsletter November 2023

Stakeholder Newsletter October 2023

Stakeholder Newsletter September 2023

Stakeholder Newsletter August 2023

Stakeholder Newsletter July 2023