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Media Release


Community Based Tourism Training Workshops Continue

Published: Nov 15, 2023

Tourism Trinidad, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, is conducting yet another Community-Based Tourism (CBT) Training Workshop, this time for tourism stakeholders in the Beausejour community and environs. This workshop is being held from November 15–17, 2023, at the Bagatelle Community Centre.

These workshops aim to teach participants how to start, operate, and promote a successful community-based business using the CBT Enterprise Handbook and introduce them to a broad range of cultural tourism knowledge and business development skills. These skills are then used to foster the development, management, and ownership of tourism products and services in their communities.

Community-based tourism has been identified as a leading tourism niche by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts and has been included in the National Tourism Policy.

Research and tourism trends have indicated that there is now a strong demand for immersive cultural tourism products in communities by visitors, and destination Trinidad is positioned to develop and harness these experiences in communities such as Beausejour.

Topics covered in this workshop include:

Understanding Community Tourism

Protecting & Involving Community

Planning A CBT Business

Meeting Visitor Expectations

Product/Service Development

Marketing Tourism Products

Financial Management

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