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Media Release



Published: Oct 13, 2023

Trinidad’s upcoming (2023-2024) cruise season is on the horizon, and all signs point to another year of significant gains for the island’s cruise industry. Traditionally the season begins in November and runs till April the next year. This year the first vessel, Seabourn Pursuit, is expected to visit on October 11th, 2023.

Building upon the achievements of the 2022-2023 season, initial projections indicate that approximately 88,000 passengers and 30,000 crew will set foot on Trinidad’s shores, ushering in an influx of economic prosperity, cultural enrichment, and boundless opportunities for local businesses. This represents an estimated 81 percent increase in passengers from last season.

Of note, there are 10 inaugural visits and 5 new cruise lines incoming for this season. They are Seabourn, Ex Polaris, Victoria Cruises, Silver Seas Cruises and Salen Ship Management Company.

The last cruise season showcased the remarkable potential of Trinidad’s cruise industry. A total of 48,243 passengers arrived via 29 calls at the Cruise Ship Complex in Port of Spain. This past season exemplified the island’s ability to offer a remarkable experience to cruise visitors from around the world.

The economic impact of the previous season was undeniable. Passenger disembarkation rate was at 80 percent or 4 in every 5 passengers with an average spend of forty-three dollars (USD$) per person. Passengers engaged in various activities, including shopping for local handicrafts, savouring the island’s culinary delights, and exploring its vibrant cultural heritage. This infusion of spending power generated substantial revenue for local businesses, invigorating sectors such as retail, hospitality, transportation, and entertainment, and contributing to the overall economic growth of Trinidad.

Tourism Trinidad CEO Carla Cupid added, “Employment opportunities flourished as the cruise season unfolded. Local guides, tour operators, taxi drivers, craft vendors and service personnel played a pivotal role in ensuring an unforgettable experience for cruise passengers. This surge in employment not only provided income for individuals but also fostered skills development and contributed to the growth of the local tourism sector.”

Cultural exchange was a highlight of the previous season, as visitors immersed themselves in Trinidad’s vibrant festivals, traditional music, and food.

The downstream benefits of the cruise industry extended beyond tourism, creating a ripple effect that stimulates various sectors of the economy. Local businesses in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation experienced increased demand as they supplied products and services. Ships were supplied with local produce, seafood and other vital items. This collaboration fosters economic diversification and contributes to the overall growth and resilience of Trinidad’s economy.

As the 2023-2024 cruise season approaches, Trinidad stands ready to welcome passengers seeking to embark on an unforgettable journey. Drawing inspiration from the successes of the previous season, Destination Trinidad is poised to deliver an exceptional experience, highlighting its unparalleled natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. With each passing season, Trinidad solidifies its position as a premier cruise destination, offering a gateway to exploration and discovery for travellers from around the world.


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